i-Roof Technical Product Update
With so many crucially important new measures coming into the workplace, we have decided to introduce Covid-19 Ambassadors to our factory floor to not only ensure the safety of everyone within our manufacturing facility but to ensure all our staff feel safe coming into work every day. We have selected one candidate from each section of our factory to carry out a number of tasks throughout the day.
We were overwhelmed by the number of employees who volunteered to take on this position, in addition to their day-to-day workload. It was positive to see our workforce take this opportunity as a chance to make a difference in the fight against Covid-19. We assessed each candidate and made our decision against a strict criteria and those who were chosen are now in place and keeping themselves and their colleagues safe.
As envisaged, the main role of our Covid-19 Ambassadors is to ensure social distancing is adhered to at all times, checking the cleanliness of the factory including that sanitiser stations are always available. They will also be on-hand to answer any questions other staff members have about what they can and can’t do under restrictions in our workplace.